The Power of Beliefs

Beliefs are so powerful that they literally shape the course of our lives. Yet, we rarely pay them much heed. This month’s blog post will give you a deeper understanding of the role beliefs play in your life and why it is so important to bring unconscious beliefs into the light of day if you want to live a better life.    

What Does it Mean to Co-Create With God?

I love the elegance of the Tango, the precision of the movements, the way the lead seems to effortlessly guide the follow into stunningly complex, striking moves that absolutely captivate the audience. She rarely diverts her eyes from his, as if she instinctively knows that her every move depends on that connection. It allows her to flourish, to joyfully express her creativity and talent in ways she could never achieve on her own. He is… Read More

Relationship with Self

In the hustle and bustle of life, many Christian women find themselves yearning for a deeper connection with themselves and with God. Are you one of these women? The journey of personal and spiritual growth and development can be both invigorating and challenging, especially when we feel stuck in the routines of daily life and when we try to change because we just want more out of life.  

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectionist, who, me? It’s not one of those flags I like to fly, but there it is. I hadn’t thought about writing my first blog post on perfectionism, but God had a different idea. He’s been bringing perfectionism to my attention in a big way over the past several weeks. During a recent morning prayer time, when the subject of perfectionism came up…again… I heard the Lord say, “I’ve just about written your first blog… Read More