The Power of Perception

WYSIWYG – What you see is what you get! You’ve probably heard the phrase before, but have you ever considered how deeply it applies to your life? The acronym WYSIWYG originated from computer software, ensuring that what appears on the screen mirrors what is printed or published. Even beyond technology, this concept actually plays a significant role in our personal lives.Much like in programs like MS Word or Excel, where a lot happens behind the scenes to make things appear seamless, the same is true for our lives. There’s always something going on in the background—our subconscious patterns, memories, emotions, and beliefs—all shaping what we see and, ultimately, what we experience. We truly are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Have you ever noticed how your mind filters reality through what you expect to see? Your perception influences your experience. If you expect good things, you are more likely to notice and embrace them. If you expect obstacles, your mind finds them. What if your perception is actually creating the world you experience? What if your inner vision is shaping your outer reality? Good questions to ponder.

A Real Life Lesson in WYSIWYG

Years ago, I was walking through a home improvement store and found myself in the kitchen countertop area. I was drawn to a display of colorful Formica samples, where I started pulling various chips that were particularly appealing to me. I had no reason to do this. I was not remodeling my kitchen. I was just moved by the palette of colors.

I typically gravitate toward earth tones, but for some reason I was being drawn to subtle hues of teal, rose, and cream. I didn’t know why. For no reason that made sense, I walked out of the store with several Formica samples that looked beautiful together. When I got home, I put the chips in an obscure drawer, where they sat for years tied together with a rubber band.

Occasionally I opened that drawer, and each time I looked through the chips I noticed that I delighted in seeing the colors together, though the colors were never a part of my décor or wardrobe. I had no reason for keeping the chips other than it felt good to look at them. Kind of silly, but fun.

Fast forward several years. I bought a condo in need of cosmetic work—painting, carpeting, tiling. I bought some beautiful patio furniture made of tree branches, for which I opted to make comfortable cushions. After completing the remodel, I moved in, and everything looked beautiful.

Months later, I was going through a drawer and ran across those Formica chips. I removed the rubber band, and my eyes widened in disbelief as I realized that all the color choices I made for my condo fit that palette exactly.

Seafoam green carpet, cream colored couch, rose colored walls in my kitchen, tile in my kitchen and bathroom with subtle shades of teal with a hint of rose. The cushion fabric I chose for the patio furniture was a beautiful cream, teal, and rose southwestern print. I felt the same warm feeling looking around my condo that day that I experienced each time I looked at those Formica chips over the years.

Coincidence? Hardly. The moment I saw the Formica chips again I knew that this was the outworking of something that had registered deeply within me the day I brought them home, and that had been reinforced each time I saw them in that drawer over the years. What I saw was truly what I got. WYSIWYG!

I didn’t just SEE the Formica colors in the store. I was drawn to them. I had a visceral reaction when I looked at them, causing me to take several samples home. I had the same good feeling repeated year after year each time I saw the Formica chips in the drawer.

My subconscious mind had been working behind the scenes, guiding my remodeling decisions in ways I didn’t even realize. What I had been “seeing” and the good “feelings” I had been experiencing all those years when I looked at the beautiful color combinations became my reality.

How Our Minds Shape Reality

This experience wasn’t just about interior design. It was a powerful lesson in how our minds work. Our nervous system imprints experiences in four key ways:

  1. Images – What we see, whether physically or in our mind’s eye.
  2. Emotions – How we feel about what we experience.
  3. Body Sensations – The physical response to those emotions.
  4. Beliefs – The conclusions we form from our experiences.

When we repeatedly experience something—whether positive or negative—these four components create a memory pattern that shapes our reality.

For example, a joyful childhood memory might include the sight of your grandmother’s garden (image), the warmth of love (emotion), the feeling of sun on your skin (body sensation), and the belief that family time is precious. Likewise, a painful experience can create a lasting imprint, making us see life through a lens of fear or doubt.

This is why we unconsciously create environments that reflect what we have been exposed to, whether in relationships, careers, or personal growth. The experiences we “see” and “experience” shape what we get. And, like with software, much of the process happens behind the scenes.

Applying WYSIWYG to Your Life

How can we use this knowledge about how our perceptions and experiences shape our current reality to create the life we truly desire?

  1. Be mindful of what you expose yourself to. Just like my Formica chips shaped my subconscious preferences, the images, words, and experiences you absorb daily influence your reality. Are you surrounding yourself with beauty, truth, and encouragement, or negativity and fear?
  2. Tune into your emotions and body responses. When something consistently brings you joy, pay attention! Your emotions and physical sensations are powerful indicators of what resonates deeply within you. Likewise, discomfort can signal limiting beliefs or past traumas that need healing.
  3. Challenge your beliefs. If you often feel stuck or dissatisfied, ask yourself: What am I believing about myself or the world that might be creating this reality? Are you expecting things to go wrong? Are you convinced that success is for others but not for you? Your beliefs shape what you “see” and ultimately what you “get.”
  4. Visualize with intention. Instead of letting unconscious patterns dictate your future, become more deliberate about managing your inner vision. Spend time intentionally picturing the life you want, with gratitude as if it’s already yours. Your mind will start aligning opportunities and actions to match that vision.
Final Thoughts

What you see—consciously or subconsciously—influences what you get. Your past experiences, emotions, and beliefs are shaping your present reality in ways you may not even realize. The good news? You can change what you see and, in turn, transform what you get. God designed our minds to be powerful tools for creation. So, what do you want to “see” in your life? How will you shape your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to align with the life God is calling you to live?

This month, I challenge you to reflect on what you’ve been “seeing” that has shaped your life for good or otherwise. Ask God to open your eyes to new possibilities and to help you reframe negative beliefs that are holding you back. You are wonderfully made, and your mind is a gift—use it well. If you want something different than you currently have, you will need to do something different than you currently are doing.

If you have experienced a life of pain and hardship, as many of us have, reshaping your life will require much more intention, commitment and effort. You may find working with a coach or a counselor to be very helpful in exploring the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that have shaped your current reality.

I know that God will not leave you where you are. Romans 8:28 reminds us that He causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him and who are called to His purposes. I have had to lean heavily on this scripture throughout the years as I have pursued growth and change. Life is not simple or easy, but we have a God who is for us and who has plans for us that are so much greater than we can imagine for ourselves. Why not partner with Him to see what He will do?

Call to Action

Spend a few moments today picturing the life you truly want. How does it look? Feel? Savor it. What small step can you take today to bring that vision to life? God has placed desires in your heart and wants to co-create them with you.

WYSIWYG—what you see is truly what you get!

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